November Budget and December Agenda

The budget and financial statement from November is now available, along with the agenda for the December Board meeting. The Board will meet this Thursday from 11:15 to 1 at TST, and meetings next term will be at a similar time.

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Academic Handbooks Archive

Student handbooks from 2009-2010 onwards are now available online. Here’s TST’s policy on handbook changes from the 2013-2014 ThD/PhD handbook: “With respect to program requirements, a student is normally governed by the requirements that were in place when he or she first registered in the program. Students cannot be bound by changes in program requirements, though they have the right to opt into any change if they wish. Most changes in policy and procedures, however, will be applicable to all students once they have been incorporated into the Handbook, especially those that involve TST structures (e.g., committees, thesis defence procedures) or that are mandated by the terms of our ATS accreditation (e.g., course or program evaluation) or our U of T affiliation (e.g., appeals process). It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed about changes to the Handbook and to seek advice when unsure as to which edition of the Handbook is applicable. If a student feels that he or she has been put at a disadvantage by changes in policy or procedure, he or she can petition the ADC to allow the original Handbook to be followed in this instance or to make other appropriate accommodations.”

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October Board Meeting Minutes, December Meeting Date

The minutes for the October board meeting are now available. The final board meeting of the term will be on Thursday, December 5th, from 11:15 to 12:30.

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Call for Papers ADSA Theology Conference

Call for Papers ADSA Theology Conference

Toronto School of Theology March 14th, 2014

The Advanced Degree Students’ Association is pleased to announce a call for papers for our 2014 Theology Conference. This year’s conference will be in two parts, with a morning session featuring papers on all topics in theology and an afternoon section devoted to the theme of “sexuality and spirituality.” The academic portion of the day will culminate in a keynote address by Ellen Armour, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Feminist Theology, Director of the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender and Sexuality, Associate Professor of Philosophy Vanderbilt University.


Any advanced degree student at TST may submit a proposal for either session. Students may submit proposals for the morning session on any topic in any theological discipline, including but not limited to biblical, historical, moral, pastoral, philosophical, and systematic theology. Students may submit proposals for the afternoon session on topics related to “sexuality and spirituality,” broadly defined, and in any theological discipline, again including but not limited to biblical, historical, moral, pastoral, philosophical, and systematic theology.

We will consider proposals in two formats: 1) individually delivered 20 minute paper presentations with a 20 minute Q&A period to follow, or 2) panel discussions that include 3 shorter papers, each 10-15 minutes in length, followed by a Q&A period for a total of 80 minutes. Panel proposals should highlight the ability to foster dialogue among the panelists and with the audience by addressing a common theme from various perspectives.

  1. For an individual paper, submit a proposal that includes:
  • Title of Presentation;
  • Proposal of approximately 250 words, which includes the problem your scholarship addresses and the direction of the contribution you wish to make;
  • Requests for A/V equipment;
  • And a separate page with name of presenter, college of affiliation, degree program and year, and contact information.
  1. For a panel discussion, submit a proposal that includes:
  • Title of Panel;
  • Proposal of approximately 400 words, which includes the problem and theme your scholarship addresses and the direction of the contributions you wish to make, and how you plan to foster dialogue both among the panelists and with the audience (include a breakdown of time allotted to each dimension of the panel);
  • Requests for A/V equipment;
  • And a separate page with names of all presenters, colleges of affiliation, degree programs and year, and contact information.

All proposals should be submitted in a Word, .rtf, or .pdf file by email attachment to by Friday, January 17, 2014. We will confirm receipt of all proposals submitted by email and alert potential participants of the committee’s decision by Friday, January 24, 2014.

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November Board Meeting Date and Agenda

The draft agenda for the November meeting of the ADSA board is now available. The meeting will be at TST from 11:15 to 12:30 on November 7, 2013.

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October Board Meeting Agenda and Time

The draft agenda for the next board meeting is now available. The meeting will be at TST from 11am to 12:30pm on Thursday, October 3rd.

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