Proposals are welcome from across religious and theological disciplines
Sample topics
- Biblical perspectives on conflict, war, violence and peacemaking
- Ecclesial responses to conflict, war, violence and peacemaking
- Religion and genocide
- Inter-religious conflict and intra-religious conflict
- Complicity of religious communities in violence and war
- Role of the individual in violence and war
- Perspectives on race-based, gender-based, and intersectional violence
- Theodicy: challenging or enabling conflict and violence
- Theology in the shadow of particular historical violence: Post-Auschwitz Theology, Post-Mariupol Theology
- The role of colonialism in propagating conflict
- The role of fear and hope in fostering or mitigating the social causes of conflict
- The role of fear and hope in the context of political conflict and polarization
- Resistance movements and just war theory
- Peacemaking and non-violent approaches to resistance
- The role of art and creativity in resisting conflict, war, and violence
- Lessons on bridging difference from the ecumenism movement


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2024 Toronto Graduate Students’ Association Spring Conference
Call for Papers
The Toronto School of Theology Graduate Students’ Association (TGSA) will again be sponsoring its annual Student Theological Conference on Saturday, May 11th 2024. Please note that this is an in-person conference, which will be held on the campus of the University of Toronto. The theme of this year’s conference is “Doing Theology in a Canadian Context”.
“Doing Theology in a Canadian Context” seeks to be a forum where graduate researchers can present their work regarding the particular gifts and challenges Canada offers in terms of theological thought, development, and education.
Proposals are welcome from across theological disciplines (biblical, comparative, historical, interdisciplinary, practical, systematic, etc.) The following are some example topics:
· Religious congregational life (e.g., Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim) in the current changing social environment.
· Theological reflection on the theme of trauma as applied to a particular Canadian context.
· The state of theological education in Canada.
· Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue, and the shape of religious diversity in Canada.
· Theological Aspects of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada
The keynote address of our conference will be presented by Dr. Mary Jo Leddy, Professor Emerita, Regis College, and Founder of Romero House, Toronto.
Graduate students, Post-doctrinal researchers, and recent PhD graduates (last 3 years) are invited to propose 20-minute presentations by submitting a title and abstract of no more than 300 words in an MS Word document and sent to tgsaconference2024@hotmail.com no later than Friday, March 1st, 2024. Selected proposals will be announced by March 15th, 2024.
Accepted papers will be presented on Saturday, May 11th 2024 in person.
All inquiries can be directed to tgsaconference2024@hotmail.com.

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