TGSA Election Update

Dear Graduate students,

The nominations period that began on Monday, 29 February 2016 ended successfully at 4pm on Friday, 18 March 2016. A total of nine nominations were received. Six of the nominations were uncontested and so will be acclaimed at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 7 April 2016, from 12 – 2pm in the Toronto School of Theology building.

Three nominations were received, however, for the position of Vice President Academic (in alphabetical order by surname):

  • Warren Campbell (ThM student at Wycliffe College)
  • Marie Green (PhD student at the University of St Michael’s College)
  • Fiona Li (ThM student at the University of St Michael’s College).

There is thus a need for an election. I have attached at the end of this post a copy of the three candidate’s statements. They will be campaigning in TST during the Campaign Period from Tuesday, March 29, 2016 until Thursday, March 31, 2016.

The names of the candidates who will be officially ratified and acclaimed at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 7 April 2016 are:

  • President – Allison Murray, PhD student at Emmanuel College.
  • Treasurer – Gordon Brown, PhD student at Knox College.
  • Vice President Conferences – Melanie Kampen, PhD student at Emmanuel College.
  • Emmanuel College Representative – Lindsay Ann Cox, PhD student at Emmanuel College.
  • Knox College Representative – Margaret J Perry, PhD student at Knox College.
  • Program Representative: Bible – Trenton Voth, PhD student at Emmanuel College.

Thank you to all the candidates. Of course, they only officially take over once the AGM has ratified their election.

There were no nominations received for the other positions and the new Board will decide how to co-opt or fill those positions as per the Policies and Procedures of the TGSA.

The elections will run from 12:00am on Friday, April 1, 2016 until 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. To vote, please log in during the voting period to using your UTOR ID and password. If you have any problems voting, please contact me at (The voting will only work during the voting period beginning Friday, April 1, 2016 and will not work after midnight of Tuesday, April 5, 2016.)

Thank you for reading this far and I hope you will participate in the TGSA Elections on Friday, April 1, 2016. (And if you see an announcement reminding you to vote – remember, it’s not an April Fool’s message!)

Matthew Charlesworth (Regis College)
Chief Returning Officer and out-going Treasurer,
TST Graduate Students’ Association (TGSA)

 Election Timeline

Nominations open Monday, February 29, 2016
TGSA Board Meeting Thursday, March 03, 2016
Conference Friday, March 11, 2016
Nominations close Friday, March 18, 2016
Palm Sunday Sunday, March 20, 2016
Easter Sunday Sunday, March 27, 2016
Campaign period starts Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Campaign period ends Thursday, March 31, 2016
Voting opens Friday, April 01, 2016
Voting closes Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Annual General Meeting Thursday, April 07, 2016

Candidate’s Campaign Statements

Warren Campbell

Thank you for considering me for the position of Vice President Academic. My vision for the role is simply to create an effective and open channel of communication between the TST Academic Council and the TGSA board. The opportunity to serve as a voice between these two governing bodies is something I would approach with much respect and candor. Furthermore, it has been my experience that a lack of political or social engagement is often a result of not knowing where to begin. Thus, my goal is to help create greater continuity between the student body and the TGSA board by opening easy and accessible avenues for students to voice their thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc. Since it has been my experience that the TST is one of the most unique and fruitful academic locations of study, I would welcome the opportunity to make a positive contribution to such an environment as the VP Academic.

Marie Green

I’m Marie Green and I’m excited to be your Vice-President Academic for TGSA. I want to be a part of a lively community of scholars – students and professors – who break bread together, inspire, support and pray for one another. Centered in Christ (1 Cor. 3:10-15), I envision a theological community that produces great research, informs public discourse and lays the foundation for great academic achievement. The fact that this position is being contested is testament to the significance of the role and I will do my best to reinforce that throughout my tenure. Rest assured, I am passionate about informing decisions that affect the student body. My soft skills and experience as a student in the conjoint PhD program with St. Mikes (MTS, Wycliffe 2011), will help me contribute to the goals of TGSA in a positive way.  I am committed to hearing from you and working with my fellow reps, administration and other stakeholders. I look forward to receiving your vote and to representing you.

Fiona Li

I’m Fiona Li and I’m running to be your Vice-President Academic! My motto is “Be someone who makes others feel important,” and I am passionate about hearing your experiences, problems, and suggestions. For example, I know many doctoral students have concerns with aspects of the cohort classes. If elected, I will gather your feedback and make this the first issue I raise at TST’s Academic Council. This passion has led me into student politics: I’m on the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) Faculty of Theology’s Student Life Committee (last year as Co-Chair, and this year as a member), the liturgical committee, the Faculty of Theology’s Council, and USMC Senate. I also recently served on the organizing committee for the Celebrating Women in Theology Conference and have attended meetings of the TST Graduate Studies Council and the TGSA Board. With my experience, I am ready to serve the whole TST community! So starting Friday, April 1, please give me your vote!

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