ADSA Minutes
October 15, 2014
- Meeting called to Order @ 2:03 with Prayer by Michael
- Introductions
- Minutes- approval moved Jonathan, 2nd by Abigail
*from now on minutes will be approved by email so that they might be gotten out sooner. Board members will be considered to have approved the meetings unless they note their objections by email.
4) Reports
Knox- had AD meeting last week for all AD students
St Mikes– Women’s Tea Time Oct 16 @ 4:00pm. Oct 24-25 Music, Theology and Justice Conference. Oct 30 Trappist Trivia
Trin– Had 1st AD meeting (small but good turnout)
Hx-had a meeting. CCHS conference Oct 31-Nov 2 with TST students and Faculty presenting
MA- PD seminar Oct 16 on MA Thesis Writing
ADC-PhD program has not yet been approved, but is being worked upon. MA proposal- New MA will replace ThM and current MA (concern for those that already have a MA). ADSA is listed on the TST org chart as a committee of the Graduate Center, done because TST knows who is part of the program, Becca will investigate.
GSC- will have 3 reps for this year with representation going down to 2 next year. Board of Trustees liked the survey but want Jerry to have input next time for clarities sake.
UofT-ICS making progress for student association, we have invited them to events in the past and will continue to do so until they are set up, at which point we will discuss payment options, unknown what the timeline will be. TA training program meetings were encouraging about coming to a deal, asked for a needs assessment, survey will be happening to see if it is needed. Michael is investigating if there is actually a problem that is needed to be solved with regards to the part-time dental discussion.
Conference- we only received $1500 for Judaism and Christian Studies. Also looking for students that are doing Judaism studies work for recruitment for this conference.
5) PD seminar- Thesis writing seminar for MA students. Gift cards of $25 for presenters
Mental Health-Nov/Dec- Jonathan and Allison
Jobs Seminar- because of Regis and the Bridge class on Jobs we will not be doing anything this year for Jobs. Still looking for other alternatives (possibly a social gathering)
6) Other – Dominican Institute doing conference “Church Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” on ecclesiology, Jan 23, 2013. Call for papers coming soon.
7) Next Meeting Nov 13, 2014 @ 10am
Meeting closed @ 3:00 pm