Third Thursdays – AGO “Mystical Landscapes”

Mytsical Landscapes rev copy

TGSA and Emmanuel College are co-sponsoring an outing to the AGO for this month’s Third Thursday event. TGSA is offering a limited number of subsidized tickets at $5 for its members on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested in getting a subsidized ticket, please RVSP to Betsy Anderson as above and send an additional email to tgsa[at] to sign up. Note: You will have to initially purchase your ticket at the $13 rate. TGSA will reimburse those who sign up for a subsidized ticket $8 when they have arrived at the AGO.

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Third Thursdays – End of Term Skate Night

Skating Poster Jpeg

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Student Consultation – Student Life Fees

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TGSA Graduate Student Conference

Our annual graduate student conference will be taking place on Friday March 17th, 2017. Melanie Kampen, VP Coferences, has been working hard to prepare for the big day over the last few months. We are excited to present our call for papers here. Hopefully we will have engagement from graduate students across all of TST’s member schools. Submissions are requested by Friday January 13th, 2016. If you have questions or need some clarifications, please get in touch.

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Third Thursdays: Oktoberfest Pub Night

When: Thursday, Oct 20th, 4 – 7 pm

Where: The Duke of York Pub, 39 Prince Arthur Ave.

October’s Third Thursday social event is an Oktoberfest Pub Night. Please drop in and join us at the Duke of York to celebrate making it to reading week. TGSA will be buying appetizers and munchies to share and students can purchase whatever beverages they wish. Hope to see many of you there! Prost!

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Applications for Chief Returning Officer/Secretary

TGSA is looking to hire a Chief Returning Officer/Secretary to serve as a non-voting member of its board. The position would begin November 1st, 2016 and continue until April 30th, 2017. TST students interested in gaining further academic service experience (and CV lines!) should consider applying for the role.


  • Attend regular meetings of the TGSA board; take minutes (2 hours/month)
  • Attend extraordinary board meetings; take minutes (as needed, rare)
  • Chair meetings of the referendum committee (Nov – Feb, 2 – 3 hours/month)
  • Oversee the board’s nomination and (if needed) election process (Mar – Apr, <6 hours)
  • Prepare reports on referendum and election results to the board
  • Meet occasionally with TGSA President and/or Executive (as needed, 1 hour/month)


  • Currently enrolled at one of TST member colleges (any degree program)
  • Strong administrative competency

TGSA is offering a honorarium of $150 payable in April 2017 as a token of our gratitude for the contributions of the CRO/Secretary. Interested students should contact TGSA’s president, Allison Murray, by Monday October 31st at 5:00pm, via tgsa[at] Please include your name, current college and program of study, and a brief description of your qualifications (including any past administrative and/or board experience, if applicable).

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