Hi everyone, we hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!
TGSA would like to invite you to our last event of the year: Getting (Back) on Track for Writing: A Time and Task Management Workshop. As graduate students, we might find that dedicated time for writing is often placed on the “back burner”, as our focus is spread across several other commitments each semester: coursework, teaching and grading, research, and other tasks that add up. Moreover, managing our time and projects across several platforms – and even devices – can result in fragmented workflows. Do you find yourself in this situation, in addition to navigating issues around motivation, procrastination, and/or perfectionism?
If so, join us Friday, April 16th from 1:00-2:00 pm where we will discuss practical strategies to get (re-)started on your writing, maintain momentum without burning out, set realistic milestones that work for you (and your supervisor), and deal with any distractions that might come your way. Also bring your questions and feel free to share your past experiences so that we can troubleshoot any roadblocks together as a group.
Our facilitator, Yaseen Ali, is a learning strategist at U of T who works with students on all areas of academic performance, ranging from metacognition and effective study techniques to co-creating personalized time management approaches. He is also completing his Ph.D. part-time in the Language and Literacies Education program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83926893868?pwd=TUg0MmFLUytYUWVOMlJ1UlFqVG5pdz09
Looking forward to seeing you all there!