Fall 2013 Travel Bursaries

This semester we have three bursaries available at $200 each for current AD students presenting at conferences outside of Ontario before December 31st, 2013.

To apply for a bursary please contact the ADSA with the following information by Monday, September 30:

1) Name
2) College and program
3) Title of paper accepted by conference
4) Date, name, and location of the conference
5) Names and amounts of any other scholarships or bursaries

(Note: at our last board meeting we agreed winners of a SSHRC or any other combination of scholarships and/or bursaries totalling $20,000 or more would not be eligible for travel bursaries this year.)

Eligible names will be drawn at random at the ADSA board meeting on October 3rd and winners will be notified shortly thereafter. Winners will be asked to write a brief summary of their conference presentation experience to be posted online. The next set of travel bursaries will be announced in February.

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2013-2014 Events

Welcome to a new year at the Toronto School of Theology! The Advanced Degree Students’ Association – your students’ association – is planning another full year of professional development and social activities. We’ve already had a great turnout to our SSHRC/OGS grant writing panel and welcome BBQ this month. In October and November we will be hosting a pair of professional development seminars on how to get a job. We expect the first panel to focus on academic jobs and the second on job opportunities outside the academy. As for social events, we’re planning a pub night with a professor towards the end of the year, possibly in December.

After the season of Christmas (and deadlines!), we’d like to start January with a lunch for students in their first year and a half, giving us an opportunity to get to know you better and hear about your experience in the program so far. In January we’ll also be convening a panel on the timely question of how to stay sane in graduate school. Next, February will see a seminar on the perennial challenge of getting published. Then comes March and our second annual student conference! This year we hope to have a call for papers related to the theme of spirituality. Finally, April will bring our elections, annual general meeting, and another pub night.

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Call for Papers

Dialogue: New Horizons for Embracing Difference

Faculty of Theology, University of St. Michael’s College

February 7, 2014

In today’s increasingly open and accessible world, it is imperative that individuals recognize and negotiate the multi-dimensional reality of ‘difference.’ In response to this contemporary demand, the Dominican Institute of Toronto and the Faculty of Theology at the University of St. Michael’s College are co-sponsoring a one-day symposium entitled ‘Dialogue: New Horizons for Embracing Difference.’ We invite both students and established scholars to submit proposals that explore the challenges and promises of ‘dialogue’ and the broader recognition of difference from a variety of theological perspectives. The symposium will culminate in a keynote address by Claudio Monge, OP, this year’s Aquinas Visiting-Scholar at the University of St. Michael’s College and a specialist in theologies of dialogue, hospitality and interreligious practice.


Theologically-informed proposals that grapple with the reality of difference and dialogue from a variety of philosophical, historical, and/or contextual perspectives are welcome (e.g., papers may explore the philosophical/theological foundations of dialogue; historical instances of encounter and dialogue; and/or contextual issues relating to the  negotiation of difference in the contemporary world).

Presenters will have twenty minutes to offer their research with a question and answer period to follow.

Those interested should submit a proposal that includes:

  • Title of presentation
  • A paper abstract approximately 250-300 words in length, which includes the problem your scholarship engages, and the contribution you plan to make.
  • Requests for audio-visual equipment (A/V equipment will be available only if it is requested in the proposal)
  • On a separate page, please include:
  • Presenter’s name, institution or professional affiliation, and contact information

Selection Criteria

In selecting proposals for presentations, the committee will consider:

  • The clarity and significance of the proposal
  • The quality of the contribution to scholarship
  • The relationship of the presentation to the thematic focus of the symposium
  • The contribution of the presentation to a diversity of perspectives and approaches
  • The potential for inspiring discussion among its communities of concern

All proposals should be submitted in a Word, .rtf, or .pdf file by email attachment by November 15, 2013 to matt.eaton@mail.utoronto.ca. We will confirm receipt of all proposals submitted by email and alert potential participants of the committee’s decision by December 1st, 2013.

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October Board Meeting Date

At our September board meeting we formalized a policy to make our board meetings more open and transparent:

“Any AD student may attend ADSA board meetings, and with the permission of the executive, speak to an agenda item. ADSA meetings shall be announced in advance, and agendas and minutes shall be posted online.”

The next board meeting will be from 10:30am to noon on Thursday, October 3, in Boardroom 2 at TST.

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Canadian Professional Societies for Theology Students

The Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion is made up of a number of independent societies who sometimes pool resources for joint lectures and panels at Congress. All members receive the yellow Studies in Religion journal. You cannot join CCSR itself, but students can join one or more of the individual societies.

TST faculty and students are known to be active in the following CCSR societies:

Canadian Society of Biblical Studies http://www.ccsr.ca/csbs/
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion http://www.cssrscer.ca/
Canadian Society of Patristic Studies http://www.ccsr.ca/csps/index.htm
Canadian Theological Society http://cts-stc.ca/
Société canadienne de théologie http://www.theocan.org/
Société québécoise pour l’étude de la religion http://sqer.org/

Other relevant Canadian societies not under the CCSR umbrella include:

Canadian Catholic Historical Association http://cchahistory.ca/
Canadian Evangelical Theological Association http://ceta-cer.org/CETA.html

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September Board Meeting

The first ADSA Board Meeting for 2013-2014 will be held at the Toronto School of Theology from 10am to noon on Thursday, September 5th. Download the draft agenda. Update: the September Minutes are now available.

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