Welcome Back!

Hi everyone, I hope this message finds you and your families well! 

TGSA would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to all returning and incoming students! Although the start of the school year will look different, we are very excited to find new ways to stay connected both academically and socially. 

For those of you who are new, TGSA stands for the Toronto School of Theology Graduate Students’ Association — we are recognized by both the Toronto School of Theology and the University of Toronto. TGSA exists for the benefit of all graduate students at TST. Whether full time or part time, all graduate students enrolled at any TST college are members of TGSA, pay fees to TGSA and can nominate and elect their fellow students to the TGSA Board. TGSA provides a forum for the expression of student concerns, our board members act as a liaison with the TST administration, TST graduate centre and the colleges. As well, we provide student representatives for TST councils and committees. TGSA encourages cooperation and community building between students and faculty, promotes social and political student participation and organizes opportunities for academic and professional development. 

Throughout the year, TGSA offers events geared towards academic support, career services, counselling and socials. Currently, our board is working diligently to plan workshops and socials for this year; and everyone will be kept in the loop regarding when and where those events will take place! As of now, you can mark your calendars for the following events: 

  1. Grant Writing Workshop: End of September. Details TBA. 
  2. TGSA Conference: Friday, October 30th, 2020 
  3. Mental Health for Scholars: Mid-November. Details TBA. 

I’d also like to remind everyone, particularly our new students, that TGSA’s fees for the 2020-21 academic year have been substantially reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your fee’s will be roughly $2.06 per student ($1.03 per semester; half that for part-time students). This is a one-time adjustmentbecause of the pandemic, TGSA fees will go back up to normal the following 2021-22 academic year.

Lastly, as we continue to navigate through these extraordinary times, TGSA is here to be your voice! We will continue to communicate with the GCTS and your colleges regarding student concerns, especially surrounding COVID-19. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at tgsa@utoronto.ca

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About TGSA!

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Are you or anyone you know interested in being a TGSA board member? We have open positions and would love for you to join us!

Here are the available positions (accurate as of September 9, 2020):

  • Non-Voting Officers:
    • Secretary
  • Program Representatives:
    • Master of Arts (MA)
    • Master of Theology (ThM)
    • Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
  • College Representatives:
    • Regis

For more information about each of the positions, take a look at TGSA’s Policies and Procedures (2018); and if you or someone you know is interested in any of the above roles, please send us email at tgsa@utoronto.ca.

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TGSA is pleased to invite nominations for the following voting positions on its Board of Representatives (accurate as of March 4, 2020):

Knox College Representative
Regis College Representative
St. Michael’s College Representative
Trinity College Representative (Please speak with your Divinity Class if interested in running)
Wycliffe College Representative
Master of Arts Program Representative
Master of Theology Program Representative
Doctor of Ministry Program Representative
Church/Theological History Representative
Pastoral/Practical Theology Representative
Biblical Studies Representative

All positions are for two year terms, and have duties as described in section D of the TGSA Policies and Procedures, available at http://tgsa.sa.utoronto.ca/files/2018/04/April-2018-TGSA-Approved-Policies-and-Procedures.pdf

If you have a colleague you believe would be a good candidate for one of these positions, please nominate them via email to the Returning Officer, Fiona Li, at fionakay.li@mail.utoronto.ca by midnight on FRIDAY March 12, 2020.

Candidates must be nominated by two of their peers, be willing to serve, and in the college, program, or concentration to be represented (if applicable). Nominees will receive either notice of their acclamation or details regarding the election process (if necessary) by email after FRIDAY March 12, 2020.

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Upcoming event!

Come and join us for snacks, good company, and good talks about work-life-school balance, and other mental health needs and tips!
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