[WORKSHOP] Identifying Your Transferable Skills!

Hi everyone, 

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. As the school year resumes, TGSA has planned a workshop to kick off the semester. The workshop, “Identifying Your Transferrable Skills” will be held Friday, January 21st from 1:00-2:00pm. You have developed essential skills through your academic, professional, and co-curricular experiences. In this workshop you will learn how to recognize and articulate these transferrable skills and competencies, and identify future opportunities to demonstrate or enhance your skills. 

Mary McAuliffe, a Career Educator at Career Exploration & Education at the University of Toronto will be leading this workshop. In her role Mary works with undergraduate and postgraduate students to help them answer career questions through one on one sessions and workshops. Prior to this role Mary worked for many years as an Occupational Psychologist and Consultant in the fields of Recruitment and Human Resources in role in Banking, Education, Government and not-for profit and brings a wealth of HR consulting, selection and coaching experience. 

Registration is required to attend this workshop. Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MN5mrYjZmz0zyzR5MAKU5T-OCTHC4MQ7Iwk0x_2npGA/edit.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. And if you require accessibility please let us know! 


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Fellowship Opportunity – Centre for Clinical Ethics (CCE)

Here is another announcement for you regarding a fellowship opportunity in clinical, organizational, and research ethics (2022-24) offered by the Centre for Clinical Ethics (CCE) at Unity Health Toronto and the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto—in collaboration with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (OSCMHS), Sinai Health (SH), and University Health Network (UHN). Committed to the mission and values of Unity Health Toronto, the CCE’s goal is to enable members of the healthcare community to identify and resolve ethical issues that arise in the clinical setting. The CCE’s core activities include case consultation, education, policy development, research ethics, and academic research.

In addition to its work within Unity Health Toronto, the CCE also provides ethics services to a range of hospitals and health systems across Ontario: Lakeridge Health, Scarborough Health Network, St. Joseph’s Health System-Hamilton, Toronto Grace Health Centre, Runnymede Healthcare Centre, and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.

The purpose of the fellowship program is to train individuals to be competent practicing healthcare ethicists across diverse healthcare environments. Fellows who complete the program will be equipped to work in both faith-based and non-faith-based healthcare settings and will possess the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to work in a Catholic healthcare setting.

For the first time, the CCE is planning for a two-year cycle with a progression to a senior fellowship in the second year. They also now have an academic home for their program at the University of Toronto (in the Department of Family and Community Medicine) and several new affiliations such as with CAMH, Ontario Shores, Sinai Health and UHN, allowing for increased exposure to multiple health systems and ethics teams.

Attached below is the fellowship advertisement with more information. 

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Summer Seminar for Patristic Students

The Lumen Christi Institute and the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies is offering a Summer Seminar for PhD students in Patristics! It will be dedicated to Origen’s On First Principles and will be led by John Behr and Lewis Ayres. The Centre for Medieval Studies is a cosponsor.

Attached you can find an advertisement for the seminar with more information. 

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Job Opportunity!

Hi all,

The Commission on Faith and Witness (CFW) has an opening for a Research and Program Assistant. This position is perfect for students! Background in theological or pastoral studies from a post-secondary educational institution; comfort with or capacity to learn video conference, WordPress, Drupal, and Mailchimp platforms; good communication and writing skills; good computer skills, including proficiency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and related components of Microsoft Office Suite; passion for the priorities of the Commission on Faith and Witness; experience and/or interest in pastoral, denominational, worship or related fields, and in ecumenical movement.

This position will be adapted to the competencies and learning goals of the successful candidate, and in part is designed to provide skills development and mentorship opportunities. Fluency in English is required and in French or other languages is an asset.

The position will be 7 hours per week at an annualized pay rate of $10,167 (20% of an annual full-time equivalent amount of $50,836). The preferred start date is February 1, 2022 (negotiable). Applications will be accepted through January 10, 2022. You are asked to send a letter of application and curriculum vitae to admin@councilofchurches.ca; and in your cover letter, explain briefly why you are interested in theological ecumenical ministry and the competencies you bring to the position. Only successful interview candidates will receive a response.

Attached below is the detailed job posting.


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SOCIAL EVENT: Christmas in the Kitchen!

Come cook with us!

TGSA would like to invite you all to our last social event of the semester — Christmas in the Kitchen. The plan is to come together to cook and eat a meal over Zoom. Mia Theocharis and Morgan Bell will be hosting this event and leading you through the recipe. We will be making Ina Garten’s famous “Crispy Chicken and Lemon Orzo.” Here is the recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/crispy-chicken-with-lemon-orzo-12049023

The event will be on Friday, December 10th from 5:00-7:00pm. Cooking time will be about 1hr, followed by another 1hr to eat, drink and socialize. We recommend purchasing the ingredients the day before or day of! And here is the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81661096711?pwd=S21YM0hxaFEwVUI2OFVNNUU5SHpudz09.

We look forward to seeing you all there!



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EIR/AAR Call for Papers (2022)

The Eastern International Region of the AAR invites you to submit proposals for the 2022 Regional Meeting (May 13-15) at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The theme for the 2022 Conference is Dualism — Cosmic Battle. Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2022. Please find more details regarding the CFP below; and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out Dr. Abrahim Khan, President of the EIR (khanah@trinity.utoronto.ca). 

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