VOTING IS LIVE! TGSA Referendum 2022

Hi everyone, 

Voting is now live for the 2022 TGSA Referendum. Click here to access the University of Toronto voting system: You will need your UTORid and password to access the referendum. You will be able to vote until 11:59 pm (EST) on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

If you are unable to access the voting form or experience any technical difficulties that cannot be solved by refreshing the browser, please contact Morgan Bell ( It is recommended that voters open the form using a Google Chrome browser. 

Furthermore, all notices sent regarding the referendum can be found on this website under the ‘Referendum 2022’ tab. However, we’ve attached the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ positions below for your convenience.

Many thanks for your commitment to TGSA!

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[FLYER] TST Three Minute Thesis Competition!

Let’s celebrate the research of TST’s graduate students!

On Friday, March 25, from 1:00 – 4:00 pm, the Toronto School of Theology will “pilot” a Three Minute Thesis competition. The 3MT competition is widely used throughout universities. Eligibility, rules and judging criteria are consistent with all such competitions and can be found by visiting the link in the attachment, along with other important information about the TST 3MT. 

It was wonderful to see how quickly graduate students signed-up to be part of this event. If you wish to be part of the audience, RSVP to Elizabeth Neilly ( by 12:00 pm on Thursday, March 24, to be added to the list to receive the Zoom link. And good luck to all those competing! 


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*URGENT* UPDATED Notice of Referendum #2

Hi everyone, 

We are asking students to please disregard the second notice of referendum sent to you all yesterday via email (March 14). Upon further review, the TGSA Board decided to split the ballot into two questions. This is reflected in the updated version of the notice which is attached to this email. It includes information on the voting method, dates, question(s), and brief statements from the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ representatives. Please read through the entire updated version of the notice before voting begins this Friday, March 18. Yesterday’s copy is now null and void. 

Furthermore, this is the final wording of the ballot, approved by the TGSA Board at an extraordinary meeting held this morning. We will not be changing the ballot again. We appreciate everyone who voiced their concerns and offered suggestions. 

If you have any questions about the voting method, please contact our CRO, Morgan Bell at

Mia Theocharis 
TGSA President 

Ps. On Monday, February 14, 2022 all students received the first notice of referendum via email (this can also be accessed under the “Referendum 2022” page on the website) and on Friday, March 4, 2022 the Referendum Committee held a Town Hall to discuss with members the proposed changes to the constitution.

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*CANCELLED* 5 Ways to Wellbeing Workshop!

Hi everyone,

Join us Friday, March 18th at 1:00 pm for our workshop “5 Ways to Wellbeing” hosted by the Health & Wellness Centre at the University of Toronto. This workshop will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required to attend — please do so here:

Only those who register will receive a Zoom link the day before. 

This workshop will teach students how to apply five simple, evidence-based actions in a variety of ways to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. This interactive session introduces a cluster of activities that promote resiliency and reduce stress. 

Learning Objectives
* Students will be able to identify five actionable items to incorporate into their daily lives for mental wellbeing, as outlined in New Economics Foundation’s ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’.
* Students will learn of coping skills and strategies to improve wellbeing. 
* Students will learn how to access resources at Health & Wellness Centre and of on- and off-campus resources. 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us


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We are excited to announce that the TGSA Conference will be held on Friday, June 10, 2022. Out of an abundance of caution, and because many students are not physically in Toronto, the conference will held via Zoom. Attached below is the Call for Papers and we invite all of you to submit your work. The theme is “Traversing Schemas of Normativity: Methodological Concerns in Theology.”

If you have any questions please contact Patrick Nolin, VP Conferences at


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GCTS & TGSA Conference Awards Spring 2022

Hi everyone,

Please find attached details of, and application form for, the GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award both of which are now accepting applications from Full-time Students in a conjoint graduate program (ThD, PhD, DMin, MA and ThM).

The GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award have different eligibility criteria but share the same application form, require the same documentation to be submitted, and have the same deadline of 4:30 pm,  Friday, April 01, 2022 (EDT).

Please read the eligibility criteria for each award.  Please ensure that you have completed all parts of the GCTS & TGSA Conference Award Application Form and the OSOTF Needs Assessment Form including the signature, before submitting them along with your conference proposal and proof of the acceptance of a scholarly paper.

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