TGSA AGM & “A Year in Review”

Hi all,

Typically, the AGM is held in-person at the end of every school year. However, because of the pandemic we have chosen to do things a bit differently. As some of you may recall, last year I sent out “A Year in Review” which explained what the board did during the 2020/2021 academic year; and then we held an AGM online which was more of a Q&A/suggestion period for TST graduate students. We are doing the same thing this year as well. 

Attached in this email is TGSA’s “A Year in Review” for the 2021/2022 academic year — you will find my president’s report, the treasurer’s report and also the names of the incoming board members. The AGM will be held on Friday, May 6, 2022 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm via Zoom:; and the format will be the same as last year — an informal Q&A/suggestion period. 

In the early evening of May 6, we would also like to propose a social outing at a pub for students in Toronto/GTA. Please write your name down here if you are interested in this:

Any questions or concerns please reach out to me at

Mia Theocharis, TGSA President

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Hi everyone,

The TGSA nomination period has officially closed. Thank you to everyone who sent in their nominations. The remaining vacant positions will be filled by the TSGA Board through a 2/3 majority vote. However, if you are interested in one of the vacant positions you may reach out to any TGSA Board member to express your interest. The remaining available positions are: 

1. VP External 
2. VP Conferences
3. Treasurer

College Representatives: 
1. Wycliffe 
2. Knox 

Program Representatives: 
1. Master of Theology 
2. Master of Arts 

1. Secretary

Please see our other post about the AGM/”A Year in Review” for details about the incoming board members.



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Hi everyone, 

This message is to remind you that the nomination period is still ongoing and will end Monday, April 25, 2022. Thank you to those who have already sent me your nominations. I cannot disclose which positions have already received nominations until the nomination period ends but I will say that many positions still need to be filled. Therefore, I’m asking each of you to please take part in this process by having conversations with your friends and classmates about who you feel would be great for the role/willing to serve and then nominating them.

Below is the list of all vacant positions available on the TGSA Board (as of April 18, 2022). Please note that all positions are for a two-year term, and have duties as described in section D of the TGSA Policies and Procedures which I’ve attached to this email. 


  1. President
  2. VP Academic
  3. VP External
  4. VP Conferences
  5. VP Communications

College Representatives

  1. Knox
  2. St. Michael’s
  3. Wycliffe
  4. Regis

Program Representatives

  1. Master of Theology
  2. Master of Arts


  1. Secretary

Candidates must be nominated by two of their peers and be willing to serve; College representatives must also be registered at the college in question. Nominees will receive either notice of their acclamation or details regarding the election process (if necessary) at the end of the nomination period which is April 25, 2022. You can expect an email from me that week. 

Any questions or concerns please reach out to me directly at 


Mia Theocharis, CRO

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This is a reminder to submit your CFP’s for the TGSA Conference which are due Monday, April 11, 2022 (attached below is the CFP). Out of an abundance of caution, and because many students are not physically in Toronto, the conference will held via Zoom on Friday, June 10, 2022. Our theme is “Traversing Schemas of Normativity: Methodological Concerns in Theology.”

If you have any questions please contact Patrick Nolin, VP Conferences at


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Hi everyone, 

This post is to let you know that the nomination period has officially commenced and will end on Monday, April 25, 2022. All TST graduate students received an email notifying them of the nomination period on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.

I, Mia Theocharis, will be acting as the Chief Returning Officer for this years nominations as my presidential term comes to an end. All nominations are to be sent directly to me at Candidates must be nominated by 2 of their peers and be willing to serve; College representatives must also be registered at the college in question. Nominees will receive either notice of their acclamation or details regarding the election process (if necessary) at the end of the nomination period which is April 25, 2022. 

It is important for all of you to be aware that we have several positions on the board that need to be filled, particularly important are the Executive positions. As you can see below the entire Executive board needs to be filled. Therefore, I’m asking each of you to please take part in this process by having conversations with your friends and classmates about who you feel would be great for a role/willing to serve and then nominating them. 

Below is the list of all vacant positions available on the TGSA Board (as of April 8, 2022). Please note that all positions are for a two-year term, and have duties as described in section D of the TGSA Policies & Procedures. (NB: The updated versions of TGSA’s Constitution and Policies & Procedures will be posted next week on our website). 

1. President 
2. VP Academic
3. VP External 
4. VP Conferences 
5. VP Communications
6. Treasurer 

College Representatives:
1. Knox  
3. St. Michael’s  
4. Wycliffe 

Program Representatives: 
1. Master of Theology 
2. Master of Arts 

1. Secretary 

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me at I thank you in advance for taking part in this process!


Mia Theocharis 
Chief Returning Officer
TGSA Nominations/Elections 2022

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2022 TGSA Referendum Results

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the 2022 TGSA referendum results from Morgan Bell, CRO. Many thanks to Morgan and the referendum committee for their assistance in this process. And thank you to all who participated. We greatly appreciate your engagement. 

Now that the referendum is over, any questions or concerns regarding the results can be sent directly to


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