TGSA’s “A Year in Review”

Find attached, TGSA’s “A Year in Review” for the 2022/2023 academic year. Included is the president’s report, the treasurer’s report and also the names of the incoming board members.

The AGM was successfully held on May 16, 2023. The new board will be ratified on May 23, 2023.



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Cohort Cohesion

It was great to see all who were able to joined us for our first cohort cohesion event!

These events will continue to be hosted the first Thursday of every month through the end of the semester. Events will be held from 1pm – 4pm in the TST building. We usually have a nice time of friendship, light refreshments and catching up.

The upcoming cohort cohesion events for the semester will be:

March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1

We hope you’ll join us and we look forward to seeing you!



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GCTS & TGSA Conference Awards Winter-Summer 2023

Hi everyone,

Please see the attached details and application forms for the 2023 GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award. Both awards are currently accepting applications from Full-time TGSA Students in a conjoint graduate program (ThD, PhD, DMin, MA and ThM).

The GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award have different eligibility criteria but share the same application form, require the same documentation to be submitted, and have the same deadline of 12:00 noon Friday, March 31, 2023 (EDT).

Please read the eligibility criteria for each award. Complete all parts of the GCTS & TGSA Conference Award Application Form and the OSOTF Needs Assessment Form including the signature, before submitting them along with your conference proposal and proof of the acceptance of a scholarly paper.



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Below is the poster for the SSHRC Grant Writing Workshop, to be held via zoom on Wednesday September 14, from 4:30Pm – 5:30PM. For the zoom link, please see the email from TGSA which was sent earlier.

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Welcome to the New Academic Year!

TGSA is pleased to introduce a monthly newsletter to update members on our events, workshops, and what we’ve been working on. The newsletters will also include a list of important deadlines and dates, some of which are TGSA events. Attached is the September newsletter.



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TGSA Conference Poster!

Hi everyone, 

Please find attached the TGSA conference poster for “Traversing Schemas of Normativity: Methodological Concerns in Theology.” The conference will be held on Friday, June 10, 2022 with a keynote address from Dr. Ann Braud, senior lecturer at Harvard Divinity School. 

If you are interested in attending, please register here:

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to Patrick Nolin, VP Conferences at


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