Remembrance Day Reflection

While we are in the Remembrance Day season, it is an apt time to reflect on the sacrifices and horrors of war, especially with the brutal reality of conflicts and loss of human lives currently taking place around the world, including the Israeli-Gaza conflict, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the situation in Darfur, the insurgency in northern Nigeria, Myanmar civil war, to name a few.
As theologians, we grieve for all who find themselves plunged into the horrors of war and we lament the brutal loss of human lives. We pray for just and lasting peace around the world – one achieved through the conscientious work of dialogue, truth, reconciliation, and accountability. We honor those who strive for peace.
The following Scripture verse and sentiment, which I had shared on Remembrance Day, a couple of years ago, recently popped up on my social media feed as a timeline memory, and I thought it was fitting to share at such a time as this:
“The Lord will mediate between peoples and will settle disputes between strong nations far away. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore.”
Micah 4:3 
A vision of peace, where weapons of war are fashioned into instruments for livelihood. A vision that might not be fully realized this side of eternity. Nonetheless, may God’s Holy Spirit inspire us, as people of God, to live out and promote this vision via our own unique spheres and circumstances.
Maureen Ononiwu
TGSA President 

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AAR/SBL Conference 2023

Hi Everyone,

I trust you are having a productive reading week.

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) annual conferences are fast approaching, and I imagine a number of our graduate students plan on attending. Both conferences will be held on the weekend of November 18–21, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. If you are a TGSA member attending the conference weekend and would like to team up with colleagues to share the cost of travel and/or accommodations, please email TGSA at



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TGSA & GCTS Fall 2023 Conference Awards

Hi Everyone,

Applications are now open for the GCTS and TGSA Fall 2023 Graduate Conference Awards. Both awards are currently accepting applications from TGSA students in a conjoint graduate program (PhD, DMin, MA and ThM).

The GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award have different eligibility criteria but share the same application form, require the same documentation to be submitted, and have the same deadline of 12:00 noon Friday, November 1, 2023 (EST).

Please read the eligibility criteria for each award. Complete all parts of the GCTS & TGSA Conference Award Application Form and the OSOTF Needs Assessment Form including the signature, before submitting them along with your conference proposal and proof of acceptance of a scholarly paper. Submission details are included in the attached flyer for each award.

For more details, see



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TGSA Cohort Cohesion

Hi Everyone,

We are happy to resume our monthly Cohort Cohesion event this season!

TST graduate students are invited to join us on the second Thursday of each month from 1pm to 4pm at the TST building. Feel free drop by anytime within this timeframe. It is a great opportunity to meet and socialize with TST graduate students from across the various colleges and year levels. There is always light refreshments and drinks.

See the attached flyer for all the pertinent info.


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First Events of the Session

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to a New Academic Year!

I hope you had a nice summer break, even though I suspect it might not have been much of a break for a lot of us. I trust everyone is excited for the 2023/2024 session.

TGSA is ready to kick off our first two events of the year. We will be having our annual Welcome Back Pizza Socials on Thursday, September 14. Our second event is the SSHRC Grant Writing workshop, also held on September 14.

Please see the attached flyers for more details about event times and locations.

Best wishes for the new academic year!


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Welcome to a New Academic Year!

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