TGSA Statement in Support of Students Demands for Investment Transparency and Divestment at UofT

“Disclose! Divest!” is the chant students have used to call on universities across North America to disclose their financial investment to the public and divest from companies profiting from the  war in Gaza. At the University of Toronto, students and faculty taking part in this protest movement are making specific demands of President Meric Gertler and the university’s Board of Governors. We lend our support to students’ demands for financial transparency and the refusal to fund genocide, genocidal violence, unjust aggression and the dehumanization of any people at any time and in any place. 

The TST Graduate Students Association (TGSA) is an association of graduate students who study at colleges who have membership in, and are affiliated with the Toronto School of Theology (TST) at the University of Toronto. TST functions as an ecumenical consortium of Christian theological schools that welcomes students and scholarship from diverse faith traditions. We recognize the sufferings of students on all sides of this conflict. 

As students and residents living and working at the University of Toronto we acknowledge that the land on which the University of Toronto operates is part of the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Mississaugas of the Credit, an Anishnaabe people, land covered by the Dish-with-One-Spoon wampum belt covenant. In borrowing from the words and lived commitments of a member college of the Toronto School of Theology’s land acknowledgment we also acknowledge:

 “…the stewardship of this land by First Nations, the continuing presence here of Indigenous people from across Turtle Island, and the harm caused by colonialism. We commit ourselves to seeking a new and honourable relationship with the First Peoples of this land.” 

TGSA understands our commitments to honour the land and heal from harms caused by colonialism on these lands and all lands. We hope that student demands to disclose and divest will set a precedent leading to increased awareness of similar genocidal situations elsewhere in the world and to a more widespread divestment from any corporate support of genocide anywhere.

TGSA recognizes the horrific suffering of all those being subjected to violence, war, the destruction of their homes and communities around the world, and the millions of refugees who have been forced to flee from their ancestral homelands. We prayerfully unite ourselves to them in their suffering and also in our calls for all oppression to cease. We pray that justice will ultimately triumph with the attainment of a just and sustainable peace for all those being subjected to illegal and immoral aggression throughout the world.

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TGSA 2024 Nominations

The nomination period for available TGSA positions is underway. It began April 12, 2024, and will end on April 30, 2024. Nominations are to be sent via email by the end of the day on April 30 to the Chief Recording Officer for TGSA’s 2024 election at

Below is the list of all vacant positions available on the TGSA Board. Please note that all positions are for a two-year term, except for the Master of Arts Rep, which is a one-year term. The duties for each position is described in section D of the TGSA Policies and Procedures, available at:


  • VP Conference

College Representative

  • St. Mike’s Rep
  • Regis Rep

Program Representative

  • Master of Arts Rep
  • Master of Theology Rep

Non-voting Officer

  • Secretary 

Candidates must be nominated by two of their peers and be willing to serve. College reps must also be registered at the college in question and program reps must be registered in the programs in question. Nominees will receive either notice of their acclamation or details regarding the election process (if necessary) on or shortly after May 6, 2024

Please address nominations or further inquiries to the Chief Returning Officer (CRO), Rosemary Boissonneau at


Rosemary Boissonneau CRO for the TGSA 2024 Nomination/Elections

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Registration Now Open for TGSA Spring Conference

Registrations are now open for TGSA’s upcoming Spring Conference, happening on Saturday, May 11, 2024. See the poster for more details.

Theme: Doing Theology in a Canadian Context.

To register, visit:

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TGSA & GCTS Conference Awards Applications Now Open!

Applications are now open for the TGSA & GCTS Spring/Summer Graduate Conference Awards. The awards are open to TST graduate students who have recently presented or are scheduled to present at a scholarly conference from January 1 to August 31, 2024.  

 The GCTS Conference Award and TGSA Conference Award have different eligibility criteria but share the same application form, require the same documentation to be submitted, and have the same deadline of April 5, 2024 4:30pm (EST).

All application materials are to be submitted  online via Microsoft Forms, signing in with your University of Toronto credentials: The Award Application Forms, and the required Financial Needs Assessment form, can be found on the Microsoft Forms Portal or the TST website: Please ensure all forms and accompanying documentation are submitted online via the Microsoft Forms portal by the deadline.

Eligibility criteria and submission instructions are included in the attached flyer for each award.
For more details, see



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OGS Application Writing Drop-in

Hi All,

TGSA will be hosting an OGS Application Writing Drop-in from 11am to 3pm on Thursday, February 22; Friday, February 23; and Monday, February 26, at the Regis College Library Study Room.

This is a common space for students applying for the OGS to gather to write, share tips and bounce idea off of each other.  

See the attached poster for more details.



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Winter Newsletter

Dear All,

I trust you are having a productive and restful reading week.

We have got a little extra something to add to your reading pile. Attached is TGSA’s newsletter, which highlights upcoming events and workshops, as well as news related to TGSA.

Have a grand week!


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