Q&A Library Sessions

Our wonderful TST librarians are hosting Q&A library sessions on Friday mornings from 11 AM to 12 PM from November 6th to December 4th. Students are able to ask questions related to their libraries and their resources!

Here are some more details:

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Mark your Calendars! TGSA Mixer and Annual Conference

As we head into reading week, TGSA would like to invite all of you to our first-ever virtual “mixer” this Friday, October 23 at 6:00 pm  — feel free to bring your own beverages and snacks! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sam Needham at samuel.needham@mail.utoronto.ca. Here are the Zoom details: 

We would also like to invite everyone to our annual graduate student conference, “What Matters? On Value and Valuing.” This event will be hosted via Zoom on Friday, October 30th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It will feature presentations from graduate students from across North America and a keynote address from Dr. Connor Wood of the Centre of Mind and Culture. 

Attached is a draft schedule for the conference which also includes the Zoom link for the event! If you have any questions, please reach out to our VP Conference, Nathan Williams at nathanbradford.williams@mail.utoronto.ca

Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share this information to any graduate students and faculty that may be interested. The conference is free and open to all. Attendees may RSVP by responding to the Facebook event or by emailing TGSAConferences@gmail.com


We look forward to seeing everyone at both the mixer and conference! 

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Opt Out of UHIP Fees!

Hi everyone!

I wanted to let you all know that you have the possibility of opting out of UHIP fees for the fall if you choose to do so. Please visit http://www.aseq.ca/rte/en/IHaveAPlan_UTSU_ChangeofCoverage_OptOuts_HowtoOptOut for more information on the process. In short, you have to demonstrate that you have healthcare coverage that’s similar to the UTSU plan, so you need more than “primary health-care coverage” to opt out. Furthermore, I’m attaching a pdf below of everything you need to know about our UTSU health and dental plan for 2020-2021. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at tgsa@utoronto.ca or you can chat with the UTSU Help Desk which is available through their website — it’s open from  9:30am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. 

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Sign the Petition for Tuition Fee Exemption!

Hi all,

We are asking TGSA members, in particular PhD students, to sign this petition for tuition fee exemption. In light of COVID concerns, TGSA will be asking for a semester of tuition exemption, should you extend 4 years of your program. In order to make this a feasible ask, we need significant support from the student body, so please consider signing!


By signing this petition, you represent your support that a tuition fee exemption be applied to one semester of your conjoint PhD program at TST. In short, you will be supporting the motion that your TGSA (Toronto Graduate Student Association) representatives wish to bring to TST officials on your behalf. It is a motion for a tuition fee exemption in light of COVID-19, that the seven TST member colleges allow one term without tuition to any TST PhD student currently enrolled who, because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, has found themselves delayed in their program. In recognition of the fact that this exemption was originally intended for current PhD students in the last semester of their program, we are now asking that this tuition exemption fee be applied to the final semester of any PhD student’s program, should the student exceed four years.

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TST Libraries – Curb-side Pickup Services

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