Town Hall & Coffee Hour [Friday, March 4th]

This is a reminder that our “Town Hall & Coffee Hour” for the upcoming referendum will be held this Friday, March 4th starting at 10:00 am. 

Here is the Zoom information (NB: passcode feature has been enabled for the Zoom room which you may have to enter):
Meeting ID: 821 6165 5547
Passcode: 562316

For your convenience, I am also attaching the “Notice of Referendum” again, along with the proposed constitutional changes. The Referendum Committee would like to know how many people are interested in attending the “Town Hall & Coffee Hour” so please sign-up if you are planning to attend. The sign-up link can be found in the attached Notice. However, all members are able to attend regardless of sign-up. 

Any questions and concerns regarding the “Town Hall & Coffee Hour” or the referendum must be directed to Morgan Bell at


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See job opportunity attached from the Congrégation de Notre-Dame for the position of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Coordinator (full-time). 


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Hi everyone, 

This is just to notify you all that registration for the TST Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) is now closed. Thank you to all 20 students who signed-up! We are very excited and we hope you are too. For those who registered, you will be contacted by the GCTS regarding important information such as the schedule and Zoom link for the preliminary heats on the afternoon of Friday, March 25, 2022. However, everyone is welcomed to attend the event. The necessary information will be sent to you all closer to.  


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TST Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®)

Good morning, everyone! We hope this message finds you well. 

TGSA has an exciting opportunity and announcement to share with all of you. The Toronto School of Theology and the Graduate Center for Theological Studies will be “piloting” its first Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) at the end of March 2022. 3MT invites graduate students to explain their thesis to a general audience and group of judges in three minutes using only one static PowerPoint slide. The competition helps graduate students improve their oral presentation skills, profile their research, and learn more about the ideas in their communities. The TST and the GCTS will be offering the following prizes: 

First Place: $1,000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $250 
People’s Choice: $50

The eligibility criteria will be parallel to those of the University of Toronto—so all registered graduate students are eligible to participate—except that, as a “pilot,” the competition will be limited to the first twenty students who sign up. 

Please see attached the full description of the TST 3MT as it includes resources to learn more and the link to register. Our first step is to have graduate students sign up to participate in the competition. Once we have finalized the list of students interested, the TST and the GCTS will be able to create a schedule for the preliminary heats. The sooner you sign up the better! 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us at


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*IMPORTANT* Notice of Referendum

Hi everyone,

We would like to notify all members of TGSA’s upcoming referendum to change our constitution. Please see attached the Notice of Referendum from Morgan Bell, VP External and the chair of the Referendum Committee. All the information you need can be found in that document. In addition to the Notice, we have attached a side-by-side view of the current constitution and the proposed changes. 

All questions or concerns regarding the referendum must be directed to Morgan Bell, Also, it would be helpful to the Referendum Committee if those who wish to attend could sign-up here:

However, all graduate students will be sent a ZOOM link closer to the date.



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[SLIDES] Identifying Your Transferable Skills!

Hi everyone,

For those of who you were unable to attend our January workshop, “Indentifying Your Transferable Skills,” please find attached the presentation slides which Mary McAuliffe has graciously shared with us. Anyone with a UTORid can also book a 1-on-1 appointment with Mary or any of the career educators at Career Exploration & Education to go over career oriented questions or assistance you may need (ex. tailoring your LinkedIn profile to best reflect your transferable skills or helping you edit your resume). Here is a short video on how to book 1-on-1 appointments:

You can also visit CLNx (Career Learning Networking: for any and all information regarding appointments, events and workshops offered by Career Exploration & Education.


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