TGSA 2024 Nominations

The nomination period for available TGSA positions is underway. It began April 12, 2024, and will end on April 30, 2024. Nominations are to be sent via email by the end of the day on April 30 to the Chief Recording Officer for TGSA’s 2024 election at

Below is the list of all vacant positions available on the TGSA Board. Please note that all positions are for a two-year term, except for the Master of Arts Rep, which is a one-year term. The duties for each position is described in section D of the TGSA Policies and Procedures, available at:


  • VP Conference

College Representative

  • St. Mike’s Rep
  • Regis Rep

Program Representative

  • Master of Arts Rep
  • Master of Theology Rep

Non-voting Officer

  • Secretary 

Candidates must be nominated by two of their peers and be willing to serve. College reps must also be registered at the college in question and program reps must be registered in the programs in question. Nominees will receive either notice of their acclamation or details regarding the election process (if necessary) on or shortly after May 6, 2024

Please address nominations or further inquiries to the Chief Returning Officer (CRO), Rosemary Boissonneau at


Rosemary Boissonneau CRO for the TGSA 2024 Nomination/Elections

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