Hi Everyone,
I trust your academic year has been up to a promising start. Here are a couple of reminders about TGSA’s two upcoming events, both happening on Thursday September 12, at 1pm and at 4pm, respectively. Remember to RSVP for the SSHRC workshop. See attached flyers for more details:
Welcome Back Lunch Socials
TGSA invites you to our Welcome Back Lunch Socials, a perfect opportunity to reconnect with friends and meet new faces. Whether you’re just starting your academic journey or continuing, these socials are a great way to build community, share experiences, and enjoy some delicious food. We’re excited to begin this year together and look forward to seeing you there!
SSHRC Grant Writing Workshop
Join us for an insightful SSHRC Grant Writing Workshop tailored for theology graduate students! Learn valuable tips on writing successful grant proposal and hear from past SSHRC recipients about their experiences. Whether you’re new to grant writing or looking to refine your skills, this workshop will provide practical guidance for your application process,
Please RSVP by emailing, and let us know if you have any accessibility needs or if you prefer to attend remotely.
For general information about either events, contact torontotheology@outlook.com